From the ILDA “Member Shows and Projects” page:

Lasers featured prominently in one of the most-watched events of the year, Super Bowl XLIV in Miami. On February 7, 106.5 million U.S. television viewers saw The Who perform at halftime, backed by over 400 watts of laser beams from 16 sources on the field and in the stage. The lasers were produced by Laser Design Productions of Markham, Ontario and Las Vegas, who had only 8 minutes to set up their equipment.

Fourteen Pangolin laser control cards were networked under the main stage. Eight full-color lasers were positioned on the field. Eight additional lasers including four 50-watt YAGs and four full-color air-cooled lasers were located upstage of the New Orleans Saints’ bench.

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The show was programmed by Doug Adams and Jason McEachern at LDP’s Markham, Ontario office using Light Converse previsualization software. The initial laser effects were designed as a “classic green laser look” reminiscent of The Who’s pioneering 1970’s laser shows. Later, full color lasers transitioned into purple, red, white, blue and amber/brown, choreographed with the standard stage lighting.

For much more detailed information, download Laser Design Productions’ Super Bowl press release. (Photo credit: Touchdown Entertainment Inc./Brad Duns.)