Not sure how I feel about this one… A blogger named Kevin writes at length about the Roger Chaffee planetarium in Grand Rapids. He seems to enjoy their laser shows such as Pink Floyd and Led Zep, although they also play “crappy music like Radiohead and Creed.”

This particular blog post is about the planetarium’s upcoming plans for a Rush laser show. He had approached the planetarium in the past with some ideas, but now that there is a show planned, they don’t seem to have used his ideas:

Why does it scare me? Because the “person” in charge of the production is frickin’ 20-something years old!! He doesn’t even like the music. How is he qualified to pick what songs should be used? I’m afraid he’s just going to go for the popular ones, like Tom Sawyer, Spirit of Radio, and Closer to the Heart. Those are great songs, but probably not the best for a laser light show.

I found Kevin’s post interesting. It’s nice to see some discussion about planetariums, and some thought about laser show content. Not being a Rush fan myself, I couldn’t say if Kevin’s song choices are more appropriate artistically or commercially than those chosen by the planetarium. If anyone reading this attends the Chaffee’s Rush laser show, let me know what you think in the comments.